We are in competition for one of the world’s most prestigious awards

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The Epica Awards are unique in their size. It is one of the most prestigious marketing competitions in the world and the only one in which the first and last word is given exclusively to media experts (editors and journalists) dedicated to the creative industries.

Our work, under the baton of Dejan Sijuk Creative Director, is among this year’s finalists of this important award, in the category Public Interest – Health & Safety!

Among 3.410 entries from 61 countries, our work has been already shortlisted for the Epica Awards, which will bring together many creative people from 18th to 21st November in Amsterdam – our success is evident! This significant recognition is a confirmation that the quality of our work is not only valued in BiH and the region but also recognized worldwide.

This is supported by the fact that it is a non-commercial campaign that through a creative solution sends simultaneously a subtle and strong message.

It is a “One Call Changes Everything” campaign, which is a continuation of our many years of successful cooperation with m:tel in the field of traffic safety. The print, TV and web campaigns were accompanied by a unique mobile installation, an auto-simulator, which tested by thousands of people in five cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, seeing in a completely realistic way what can happen to them if they use a mobile phone while driving.

Igor Kalaba, member of the Creative Team (part-time) and Client Service Director (full time), emphasized that since this topic is always up-to-date, we wanted to try a different approach.

“Every year we do a campaign on this topic, and every year it’s harder to be original. We think ‘this is it’, only to find out that someone at the other end of the world had the same idea. The topic is very narrow: there is only one thing to say – do not drive and use your phone (at the same time). On the other hand, almost every major telecom in the world is doing this kind of awareness campaign. In these circumstances, when the mass of great ideas had already been realized, we decided to try a new approach – to be, poetically said, subtly shocking. It seems that the people at the Epica Awards Jury have recognized and evaluated it, “said Kalaba.”

Top experts and journalists have judged this creative solution with our signature as one of the highest quality ones, and we, already being in the company of the best, feel like winners.
